Tuesday 30 November 2010


I cannot see sense in why anyone would think Ugg boots are fashionable in any aspect. By all means, they are extremely comfortable and slipping into them makes it all that cosy, but to see them as something that would make a statement is like fashion global warming. Like how Crocs(really comfortable but weird looking slippers) were in trend a few years back.

I own a pair of Ugg boots but like these celebrities below, I only wear them casually with no intention of thinking its trendy.

I feel like its wearing your bedroom slippers and calling it a fashion statement, although I can actually see that happening, now that is what I call fashion global warming people. I know we will get out of this.

Like I said, Don't get me wrong, they are the most comfortable pair of boots I own but I will never conform and say that I am being fashionable by wearing them.

Robert Pattinson is on the same wavelength as me as he does not like girls who wear Ugg/Ugg inspired boots and wonders in what sense are they even fashionable.

Agree/Disagree?Love/Hate your Uggs?Why?Comment below!